Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, is a mental health condition that causes people to feel driven to perform certain habits or acts over and over again. These drives can become so strong that the individual begins to feel terrified and trapped if they are unable to perform their compulsions consistently. While obsessive-compulsions may cause a person great distress and anxiety, there are ways in which sufferers can overcome the condition.
Here, psychologist Michael Shvarzblat shares some helpful tips on how you can stop compulsions once and for all.
Understand the Cause of Your Compulsions
Michael Shvarzblat has been successfully treating patients with OCD for more than 20 years. Based on his experience, he recommends first trying to determine what compels you to perform compulsions. This will help you understand the root cause of your condition and give you a better chance of finding a solution. In order to find the root cause of your compulsion, you should try to become more mindful and aware of your thoughts. When you are more mindful, you will be able to notice how your thoughts influence your actions and emotions. Michael Shvarzblat suggests keeping a journal so you can track your thoughts and feelings over the course of a day. Once you start to notice the patterns in your thoughts, you will be able to start to modify them in order to change your behavior. This can be difficult, as thoughts are often very intuitive. However, by focusing on your thoughts, you can start to subvert them and change your behaviors.
Focus on the Present
If you are constantly thinking about the past or the future, you are not in the present moment. When you are thinking about the past or the future, you are not fully experiencing the now. This is important, because the now is where you can change the future and the past. By focusing on the present, you are placing yourself in the present moment where you have more control. If you must write a calendar entry or perform some other task that involves thinking about the past or future, you are now free to perform other tasks that do not involve these thoughts.
In his therapy for treating OCD, Michael Shvarzblat uses techniques for helping patients focus on the present moment while maintaining a positive state of mind.
Exercise and stress management
Regular exercise and stress management are key to overcoming obsessive-compulsive behaviors. However, exercise should be something that you enjoy, as you will be performing it whether you want to or not. The goal of exercise is to distract your brain from negative thoughts and emotions. Michael Shvarzblat suggests choosing an activity you enjoy and that you can do while focusing on the present. If you choose something that requires a lot of focus like a sport, try to focus on the present as you are performing the activity. If you choose something that is more mentally stimulating, choose something that will keep your brain busy, such as knitting, reading, or playing music. Make sure you schedule your exercise sessions around your other responsibilities so you do not have to interrupt your schedule at any time.
Michael Shvarzblat also includes uniquely designed exercises in his treatment sessions.
Build a Support Network
OCD is a condition that can make it difficult to tell people that you have it. This can be scary, especially if you were not open about your mental health condition before your obsessions began. If you have OCD, building a support network can help you feel less isolated and less embarrassed about your condition. Find people who have similar experiences as you, and form social groups online or in your local community. This can help you feel less alone, and it can give you a sense of support that you may not otherwise have had. Having a support network is especially important for people with OCD, as it can help you feel less alone and less ashamed of your condition.
Find alternative activities
If you have given up on a certain activity or you dread performing it, it may be worth trying something new. This is especially true if you have tried to overcome your compulsion and it has become too difficult or too stressful. Try to find an activity that you enjoy performing, and one that does not involve performing a compulsion. You may not be able to perform your original compulsion, but you may find another activity becomes enjoyable and fulfilling. Find an activity that does not involve thinking about the past or the future, such as crafts, playing board games, or watching a show or movie that is not about your mental health condition.
OCD can cause people to feel as though they are trapped in a never-ending cycle of anxiety and fear. However, with the right support, treatment, and dietary changes, you can overcome obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Keep in mind that OCD is treatable, and it is important that you seek help as soon as possible. Do not be embarrassed by your condition, and do not allow it to hold you back from achieving your goals. If you are ready to overcome your obsessive-compulsive behavior, follow these tips to help you get started. For more tips like this, read the articles of Michael Shvarzblat.